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We Are Luxuriating: Boat Daddy

The second episode of the ninth season of Below Deck picks up with Captain Sean asking First Mate Eddie to get a bag of shells out of his closet and take the price tags off of them. (In Captain Sean's defense, it is the best looking beach picnic I have ever seen on one of these shows.) Second Stew Fraser is once again, being asked to step away from cabins to do service. The guests are arriving 50 minutes late to their beach picnic. And Chef Rachel is still not over Eddie commenting on her drunken toxic behavior from last season.

Captain Lee is returning on the second evening because he would "rather sandpaper a tiger's ass in a phone booth than miss a charter". Rachel has prepared a Japanese style menu for dinner. Captain Lee sits down with Eddie and tells him why he was in the hospital. Captain Lee was born with a heart condition and was in the hospital getting irregular sections of his heart burned off. Third Stew Jessica complains these guests are using an absurd amount of towels, which Deck Crew Rayna concurs.

The next morning, the primary complains they have no fresh towels. Once again, Chief Stew Heather complains that Fraser is bad at housekeeping. Jake slipped, broke a glass, cut his foot, and got blood on the teak. Heather doesn't know where the dustpan is, much to Rayna's disgust as she tries to clean up the broken glass. Captain Lee docks for the first time, "nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs".

At departure, Primary Guest Nikki brings up the issues in interior to Captain Lee. Heather calls her boyfriend who used to be one of her charter guests. Heather confesses to Lee what the issues were with the interior. Eddie has a crew meeting full of compliments for his subordinates. Captain Lee calls for a tip meeting and believes that the $18k left by the guests might have been effected by the interior's mistakes.

At the first night out, Mustache Jake and Rayna are heavily flirting. Fraser and Heather sit down to talk about the state of the interior. Heather talks over Fraser when he begins to complain about spending most of his time on service when he was supposed to be doing housekeeping. Heather claims if she knew where everything was things would have gone differently. They agree to do better for Charter #2. Jake and Rayna begin to kiss at the bar. Later on the deck, they make out. Upon going to bed, it's revealed that Rayna is talking to someone she met in Mexico.



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