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I'm Channeling a Beat Up Old Jalopy: Lips Unsealed

The women are back for the 14th episode of this season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. We open at Lisa Rinna's house where Amelia, Rinna's daughter, shows up in Scott Disick's car. Delilah, Rinna's other daughter, and her boyfriend, Eyal Booker, also come over to look through Lisa's garage closet. In her confessional, Rinna asks why it couldn't be Harry Styles, that Amelia dates. The girls model Rinna's vintage dresses. Rinna announces that Crystal Minkoff will host a luncheon for the launch of Rinna's beauty line.

At The Minkoff's, Lucy, Crystal's housekeeper and Crystal fight over how their food is cooked. Dorit Kemsley comes over for an awkward hello because she's such a hugger. They begin to discuss Kyle Richard's Christmas party. Dorit brings up that it was not the right night to attack Erika Jayne even though the women had agreed to ask her tough questions at their sit down meeting. Dorit tells Crystal that she is angry with Garcelle Beauvais because she thinks she has no guts to tell Dorit what is really bothering her, so instead she bullies her.

Erika is vacuuming her couch at her rental. She complains that she hasn't lived alone in 30 years and has done nothing but clean, which she finds almost meditative. Rinna comes over and she has a birthday gift to give Kyle from both her and Erika. Kyle joins them and Erika pours rosé into flutes she stole from her marital home in the middle of the night. Rinna reveals that she met with Dorit and Sutton Stracke two weeks ago, and brings up that dinner went poorly and they didn't ask Erika what they wanted to ask Erika. Kyle explains that Sutton wants to make sure that Erika's legal troubles don't become Sutton's legal troubles and that her association to Erika does not affect her standing in society. Erika responds that it's very "small town" of her and cowardly. Kyle then asks Erika if she wanted to leave husband Tom Girardi for a long time. Erika said that when she went through Tom's phone six years ago and found out he was cheating, she decided to work to become financially stable if she needed to be, in lieu of divorce.

Dorit is getting ready for the luncheon and claims she is bringing justice to her Jean Paul Gaultier dress. Sutton and Kyle are on the phone while they get ready and Sutton tells Kyle she's channeling Katherine Hepburn and Kyle responds she channeling a "beat up old jalopy". In her confessional, a bug flies into Rinna's lips and gets stuck in her lip gloss. Erika arrives and chooses the specialty cocktail, "No Apologies". Sutton orders a Sutty Butty Butthole (vodka in champagne). Cheryl, Rinna's business partner, gives a toast and then leaves. As the women get their food, Kyle complains no one else has as much food as she does on their plate.

Dorit begins to thank Garcelle, instead of Crystal, for hosting the luncheon and uses the blunder as a way to pivot the conversation to the confrontation she had been planning to have with Garcelle. Dorit tells Garcelle she's been jabbing at her lately. Garcelle asks her to remind her of the specifics because "she makes a lot of jabs". Dorit tells her that her tone is rude and obnoxious. Garcelle says that if she's done those things, and she remembers doing them--Dorit cuts her off to correct her that if she remembers doing them, than it's "when" not "if". Dorit asks if they're friends and Garcelle says yes but she feels like an outsider to the inner circle. Dorit tells Garcelle that she should have said something to her if she thinks she monopolizes the conversation. Garcelle chimes in with "I have", but Dorit claims that Kyle, Erika, and Lisa have exclusively. Kathy Hilton brings up that it's not like this is something she hasn't heard before. Dorit then spins it to that there must be something else going on because she jabs everyone. Dorit brings up the fight Garcelle had with Erika in La Quinta and this causes Garcelle to get up and make a move to leave. Kathy tells Garcelle to stay and Garcelle calls Dorit out on using a fight between her and Erika that was a misunderstanding, and that by now, all the women should know it was and leave it to die; especially when Erika and Garcelle have made up. Crystal again backs up Garcelle to explain for a fourth time that Garcelle was not there when Erika said "Do not mention it". Sutton mimes her and adds " the group." This causes Erika to jab at Sutton. Erika tells her, "You be quiet, "Ms. Small Town". Sutton begins to laugh and Erika tells Sutton to laugh all day and go get another legal opinion. Sutton tells Erika to "not take that out on me". Dorit says that Garcelle is "a smart girl" and infers that she would know better than to bring something up again, without being told not to. Kyle makes them settle their disagreement before doing a Lisa Rinna impression.

Kyle joins Kathy at the Hilton residence. They discuss the layout she is using for the dinner party she is throwing for the girls. Kathy and Kyle sit down for a TV tray meal. They discuss the fight at the luncheon and Kathy missed a large part of the fight because she was too engrossed putting lipstick on at the table. Apparently, the lip reader googled them before hand and tried to read their lip prints and relate it to the drama surrounding the sisters and the "American Woman" show Kyle tried to develop with Warner Brothers. The show was inspired by their mom and their childhoods. Kathy says she would never do something like that without talking to her sisters first. Kyle says that because the show wasn't their life story she didn't think it would be as big of an issue, but Kathy thinks people would assume that anyway. Kathy says Kim never said an unkind thing about it, but Kyle says Kathy might have forgotten the unkind things that were said. Kyle brings up that when there's a dynamic with 3, sometimes 2 will be closer at a time and make 1 feel left out. In her confessional, Kathy breaks down into tears as the producer asks what Kathy regrets about the decade Kyle and her didn't really speak. Kathy answers she regrets the time she could have spent together but didn't.



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