Back for episode 11 of the Real Housewives of New York! The ladies leave Ramona Singer to reel Bershan Shaw in. Ramona tells Bershan that as a women who supports other women to recognize Sonja Morgan is fragile and to lay off.
We move to 11 AM the next morning, Sonja is still sleeping off the night before. Ramona is doing an exercise class using San Pellegrino as weights. Eboni K. Williams is getting glam. Leah Mc Sweeney calls Luann de Lesseps to tell her Sonja and Bershan got into a physical altercation the night before after Lu and Eboni went to bed. Bershan came into Leah's room get a melatonin. In the flash back, Sonja and Bershan are sticking their finger in each other's face and Leah is putting herself in-between them, yelling to be careful of her nose job. Producers can be heard yelling for them to open the door, which Leah does. The producers separate the women and drag Sonja out; but not before she takes out the glass in the fire extinguisher case. On the phone, Lu calls out Bershan for being a life coach with zero awareness. The producers cut to Bershan doing cardio boxing while reciting affirmations in her hotel room.
While Leah gets glam, Lu comes into her room. Leah tells Lu that Bershan instigated her fight with Sonja by taunting her. Ramona joins in and Leah tells Ramona about the fight. Lu blames Ramona for psyching Bershan up into thinking the trip would be something it’s not. Lu tells Ramona that Ramona needs to fix it or Bershan has to leave. Leah touches on having an intervention for Sonja with Ramona.
Ramona goes to Bershan's room. Disgusted with how messy it is, and in need of finishing her breakfast, Ramona asks Bershan to go to her room so they can talk. Leah tells Eboni about the fight over facetime and briefs her that she will need Eboni to entertain Bershan while they host an intervention for Sonja. Ramona heads to Sonja’s room to collect her for their outing. The women have a 40 min van ride in uncomfortable silence to lunch. At the Black Cow, Bershan apologizes for acting too familiar with the women. Sonja addresses Bershan and when Ramona asks the restaurant staff for Kleenex, Sonja tells Ramona to STFU. In her confessional, Ramona called this passive aggressive. “She’s snapping at me like a turtle and it’s not turtle time”. As Sonja speaks her piece , Bershan is receptive and the two make up.
The women get ready for their séance. At the haunted restaurant, Sonja and Bershan order espresso martinis. Leah, Ramona and Lu decide this is the perfect setting for an immediate intervention for Sonja. Lu “reminds” everyone that she’s going to encourage Sonja because she got arrested for much less. (Not true). The ladies finally wrangle Sonja to come sit with them and have an intervention. It does not go well. Sonja leaves drink in hand.
The medium, Marion, begins the séance and soon after the chandelier falls off the ceiling; Sonja replies "That does happen". Ramona begins to sob. Bershan is told by the medium that everyone views her as a regular goat but she’s really a mountain goat. Lu is told there’s a moody male in her life that she’ll part ways with. Leah is told that her relative doesn’t want to participate; Marion sees her studying for Judaism and enjoying the structure it will bring in her life. Eboni is told her grandmother is standing behind her and is encouraging Eboni to carry on being a strong women and spreading her message. Sonja is told her father wants to apologize for leaving her when she was young. Ramona is told her younger brother is there to connect and that she should mend from their unfinished business. The episode ends with the discovery that Leah's dress has been on backwards the entire time. She flashes the ladies while the producers cut to the mid-season trailer that promises a return to the Hamptons and a feisty Sonja.