The women of Salt Lake City have returned to their table talk while on their trip to Vail. Lisa Barlow suggests that Jen Shah was meeting with another man when Jen stopped the uber early that Heather Gay had called to take Jen home. In her confessional, Heather says she didn't think it was another man, just someone Jen didn't want her to know was going to pick her up. (My questions is who would that be? Who are the people in Jen's life that Heather doesn't want Jen to associate with?) Lisa then brings up the cryptic texts the women have received that they believe to be from Jen because they contain the "bcuz" form of "because". Jennie Nguyen brings up that the other women can't just drop Jen, she touches on how she has connected to Jen as they're both minorities, and tries to carefully not break the fourth wall. Mary Cosby pulls faces like she is tasting something nasty while Jennie talks. Meredith Marks reveals she hired a private investigator to look into the threats that were coming against her family, and the PI suggested it was likely Jen. Heather claims she will visit Jen in prison if need be. Meredith makes it clear that if the women invite Jen to something, this means not to invite her to whatever that is. They are now mutually exclusive.
The next morning, Jennie and Mary are the first downstairs together. Whitney Rose labels their feeling the next morning as an "emotional hangover'. Mary gets Whitney to nervously cook her an egg. Mary then puts the egg in the microwave because she thinks Whitney didn't wash her hands before making it and the microwave will fry the germs.
Meredith sits down with Lisa to discuss the rumors about Mary. Meredith asks if there is more to the Mary rumors and shares what Whitney told her at the Italian cooking class about Mary. Meredith feels Lisa is holding back information and tells Lisa she intends to come clean to Mary that these conversations are being had.
Meredith, Mary, and Lisa go shopping and ice skating. Lisa tells Meredith she should open a store in Vail and Mary says Vail looks like Harry Potter in Disney World. Lisa and Meredith are dressed like they're competing in the Winter Olympics.
Jennie, Whitney and Heather go dogsledding. On the way home, Whitney and Heather (Bad Weather) share their negative take on everything Lisa did on the van ride to Vail. Jennie defends her and says Lisa won't say anything until she is 100% backed in fact. Back at the house, Heather reveals that her younger sister lives in Vail, and they haven't really spoken in several years. She reached out to Nancy and is hoping she will come to visit them in Vail.
Jen is meeting with her lawyer Clayton. She is being charged with money laundering and wire fraud. Jen pled not guilty. Jen maintains she is innocent and that what she is being accused of is so opposite to who she is, that if she were unknowingly guilty, it would be because, as she claims, "I have been too giving and I help too many people." Jen says an unknown person called her posing as her husband and said to get her son and visit him at the hospital.
Lisa and Jennie are dressed like Swedish Christmas Hookers. Heather is hosting a Raclatte, a swiss meal, for the women at the house; playing on the history of Vail being built to look like a Bavarian village. Lisa and Jennie yodel for their entrance. Mary catches herself ranting to the camera alone. Mary does not want to participate in the ice luge. Whitney brings out the shotski. In her confessional, Mary claims women her age don't do shotskis, and even women Whitney's age don't do shotskis. Mary goes on to say that Whitney will do anything for attention because she seeks it and needs a lot of it. Meredith shares with the world the dietetic s'more which involves a full marshmallow, the smaller graham cracker rectangle, and a tiny piece of chocolate. Mary threatens to go to bed early. Whitney finds this the perfect opportunity to confront Mary about what she said to her at the Italian cooking class. Mary is having a hard time staying awake while Whitney talks to her. Mary retorts that Whitney doesn't listen to her either and Whitney argues that her saying that hurts her feelings. In her confessional, Mary says she won't argue with a drunk person who won't remember what they talked about the next morning. Mary goes to bed. Whitney says that she has protected Mary from a lot of scrutiny. Whitney tells the other women that Mary's church think Mary is God. Whitney puts words in Cameron and Lisa's mouths'. Lisa says that Whitney should talk to Cameron about it because Lisa doesn't want to betray his confidence. In her confessional, Jennie says she now sees Heather and Whitney's point that Lisa will allude to something and then never open about it. Meredith says when she talked to Mary about the rumors, Mary's response was "do you know of another church that no one has negative things to say about?"; Meredith and Heather think that was a fair answer. Lisa claims she both respects Mary and believes her friend had "religious trauma". This upsets Meredith who claims the term is so abstract. She tells Lisa to name a concrete example of what this "religious trauma" is. Lisa rattles off that Cameron mortgaged his house to give Mary $300,000.