Photographing snow can be challenging. With battling blue snow, blown highlights, and the elements. Here are some tips to take and edit better pictures of snow.

Overexpose your photos to brighten the snow. Cameras tend to underexposed snowy landscapes because of all the light, turning the snow grey.
If shooting in JPEG and getting blue snow adjust the white balance. Use daylight, cloudy or shade to fix the color. Daylight will apply the least yellow and shade the most. \
Avoid blown highlights by watching your histogram. Too far to the left and your photos will be underexposed. Too far to the right and you’ll have blown highlights.
Ditch the flash. Using flash will likely result in overexposure.
Use a slow shutter speed to capture snowfall.
Increase the shutter speed for increased winds.
Snowflakes are easier to snap when the snowflakes remain attached to something cold.
As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to shoot in RAW because you can always edit and perfect in post.
One of the things I love about the winter photography is snow taking center stage. It’s so beautiful and fun to play with but occasionally it can be a real pain to photograph. I hope these tips have helped you out!
